Dear Aunty Alison, I am feeling so sad to have lost mum but I know you will look after her now xxxxx
9th January 2025
Dear Alison, thank you for being my big sister; always caring, not only for me but so many others, especially all those babies and children. I have such special memories of you- how did you conjure up that tiger in our shared bed when we were little? Magical in every way. I am so lucky to have had you as my sister.
"As those we love fall ill, we die in part string after string is severed from the heart."
26th October 2021
Dear Alison, from the first time I met you 40 years ago I knew that you were a kind, loving and generous lady .
You and Ray both welcomed me into your family with open arms and that has never changed over all these years. You were both so much more than just 'the in-laws' to me and you have been the best mother-in-law I could have ever hoped for. At the moment, I can't imagine what our lives will be without you.
Thanks for the laughter and the memories. Love always - Gary XX
24th October 2021